This was the big day! The flowers were to take yet one more trip
to their permanent home at Garden City Early Learning Academy.
All loaded and ready to travel. The mulch for the garden made a good cushion for the flowers.
Once we arrived at GCELA we unloaded and
placed the flowers in their correct location.
We attached the flowers to the gates, using our bolts,
backing plates and nuts. Then we painted them so they
would match the green backs and gate.
Here is the view of the installation from the back.
As we installed the flowers, the space was transformed.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.
Please celebrate with us on April 13 at 9 a. m. in The Garden
at Garden City Early Learning Academy
2202 Avenue Q, Fort Pierce
Please R.S.V.P. to Deborah Labigang at 772-468-5277.
We would like to thank Art In Public Places,
the Board of St. Lucie County Commissioners,
and especially Teri Barenborg and her amazing staff at GCELA
for their vision and wonderful assistance in helping this project come to fruition.
Ginny and Becca.